DBT Philadelphia: Is it right for me?

Is Philadelphia DBT Therapy right for me?

You thought your problems were all in your head. At least that’s what you were told. So, you went to the first therapist your insurance company suggested and you were told you just need to think more positively. You thought, “My life can’t be that bad, right? I’m just not trying hard enough.”

You’ve been in therapy before.

In therapy, you were taught how to change your thinking. You just needed to change the way you’re thinking, you were instructed… At least that’s what you were told—

and you believed it.

You tried really, really hard to make therapy work; to fix your thinking. Maybe then, you hoped you wouldn’t feel like such a basket case. You kept going to therapy, believing you were the problem. Yet, no matter how hard you tried to fix your thinking; to think more positively, you still felt like sh*t.

You remained miserable, emotionally reactive, moody, lost.

So, you gave up on therapy. You thought that you were just doomed- to continue suffering from emotional pain, broken relationships, and using destructive behavior to fix your feelings. 

This may sound all too familiar to you.

People often find DBT when they’re at the end of their rope. They “failed” prior attempts at therapy or counseling. They may have been told that Borderline Personality Disorder is untreatable. That there’s “no fixing BPD”.

Not all therapy works for all people.

Finding the best approach or “fit” in therapy makes such a difference. Some people may benefit from being able to change the way they’re thinking, which can make a huge difference in the way they feel and behave. For others, their situations really are that bad and no matter how hard they try to change their thinking, things don’t get better.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is different

DBT is different than other forms of therapy. There are several assumptions about DBT and DBT clients, that DBT therapists must be willing to accept in order to provide effective DBT therapy. One such assumption is that clients in DBT are doing the best they can at that moment and need to learn more effective ways to cope with life.

DBT also recognizes that emotional pain is inevitable, but emotional suffering is not. That means that it’s essential that we don’t try to avoid emotional pain, but learn how to tolerate it both skillfully and effectively.

Philadelphia DBT Therapist

As a DBT therapist in Philadelphia, I provide DBT therapy and DBT skills training online. My specialties include Borderline Personality Disorder treatment, anxiety therapy, and trauma counseling.

If you’re ready to find relief from your emotional suffering, please don’t wait. Reach out today. I offer free video consultations for Dialectical Behavior Therapy. You can schedule your own therapy consultation here or by giving me a call at 717-685-5074.