How Can DBT in Philadelphia Help You?

Philadelphia DBT Therapy: How can it help?

Whether you’ve been in therapy before, you know something’s gotta change. You continue to have intense anxiety, your moods are all over the place, your behavior makes people not want to be around you, and you’re in so much emotional pain.

You’ve heard a lot about Dialectical Behavior Therapy and wonder how it would actually help you with your particular problems. Can DBT actually help you with what you’re going through?  

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

DBT is a form of therapy that initially was used for Borderline Personality Disorder treatment and continues to be the treatment of choice for BPD. Since its inception into the therapy world, DBT has also been shown to help treat a variety of disorders and mental health problems including eating disorders, anxiety, and PTSD to name a few.

How DBT in Philadelphia helps

Many people often find DBT when they’ve exhausted their other options. They’ve tried therapy before and they just weren’t getting any better. DBT is different than other traditional forms of therapy.

The DBT therapist-client relationship 

DBT is a behavior therapy that will help you make changes in your life so can you reach your goals; to find solutions to your problems. DBT therapists believe that their clients are doing the best they can at that moment and that they need to do better.

Your DBT therapist knows that your life legitimately feels unbearable and that “thinking more positively” just won’t cut it. When you’re working with a DBT therapist, you and your therapist will work together.

Here’s a common analogy used in DBT to help you understand what this therapist-client relationship looks like.

Both you and your DBT therapist are in a rowboat. Both of you are on one side of a large lake, and on the other side of the lake is where you need to go to reach your goals. In DBT, both you and your therapist are rowing and steering the boat together. It’s not the DBT therapist sitting back, directing you where and how to row the boat. It’s also not your DBT therapist rowing and while your therapist’s back is turned, you’re drilling a hole in the boat.

Philadelphia DBT Skills Training

The four modules of DBT Skills Training include core mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, interpersonal effectiveness skills, and emotion regulation skills. DBT therapists believe that a central problem in a Borderline’s life is lacking the necessary skills needed in order to solve their problems.

An assumption in DBT is that although clients may not have caused their problems, they are now responsible for solving them. That’s what DBT skills training is geared to do. To help you learn to manage life’s problems skillfully and effectively. What I personally love about DBT skills training is the practicality of those skills learned. Skills taught in DBT skills training are practical and they work.

DBT Therapist Philadelphia

I know you are doing the best you can and you want to do better. I know you are desperate for keeping the relationships with the people you love the most. If you’re ready to get relief from your emotional suffering and learn better ways to cope with life’s problems, please reach out today.

As a DBT therapist in Philadelphia, I specialize in Borderline Personality Disorder treatment using Dialectical Behavior Therapy and anxiety counseling. I offer free consultations for DBT therapy. You can call me at 717-685-5074 or book your own 15-minute, free therapy consultation here.