Sara Weand, LPC, DBT Therapist

Pennsylvania Counseling, DBT Therapy, BPD Treatment

& Therapy for Anxiety

Book a Consultation for DBT

Online DBT for BPD Treatment & Anxiety Therapy in Harrisburg, Lebanon, Lancaster, York, and Philadelphia, PA

From the time you wake up, you’re on edge, like you’re going to jump out of your skin. You’re freaking out and worrying that you’re losing it. Your heart still aches from those words spouted at you and what you did to make that pain go away…

It’s hard to think straight, the tightness in your chest feels unbearable, and it’s so exhausting trying to hold it together- yet you keep that smile on your face.

You Act Like It Doesn’t Bother You

You’re desperate for approval so you pretend things don’t bother you; that things don’t hurt so deeply. You question why things have to be so hard; why relationships cause you so much pain.

You Seem Ok

On the outside, people think you’re doing ok- but you’re anxious all the time, constantly worried you’ll mess up, and that people will leave you. You hold everything inside, believing what you’ve been told your entire life- “you’re too sensitive”, “It’s not that bad”, “you’re overreacting”; because you’re so afraid they won’t love you and you’ll end up alone if they knew how you really feel inside.

The embarrassment, guilt & shame of how you feel and what you’ve done is so overwhelming…

Finding a DBT Therapist or Counselor in Pennsylvania

My name is Sara Weand and I am a DBT therapist & counselor in Pennsylvania who deeply cares. I help people who are desperate for relief from their overwhelming anxiety and intense, powerful emotions; to strengthen their relationships; to feel heard and be understood; by learning ways to cope with life in healthy ways, so they can be free of the embarrassment and shame that’s weighed them down for so long.

My counseling & therapy specialties include Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Borderline Personality Disorder treatment & anxiety therapy

If you’re ready to ditch the emotional suffering, toxic relationships, debilitating panic & anxiety, reach out now. You're not doomed to be miserable. It is possible to climb out of your hell.

Philadelphia DBT, also serving Harrisburg, Lancaster, York & Lebanon, PA

Find relief from your emotional pain, build healthy relationships with the people you love without pushing them away, and cope with overwhelming anxiety. DBT can help you create a life that’s worth living.

Your DBT Therapist

As a DBT therapist, I provide Dialectical Behavior Therapy to treat BPD and anxiety disorders. I offer free consultations for Philadelphia DBT. Also serving Lancaster, York, Lebanon, and Harrisburg. Don’t wait, and book your own DBT therapy consult HERE or call me at 717-685-5074.

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