What is Emotional Resilience?

What is Emotional Resilience?

Are you a slave to your emotions? Have you done things to feel better only to now regret what you’ve done? Do others typically refer to you as a “Drama Queen”? Do your emotions typically trigger “over the top” reactions? Do you tend to feel emotions more strongly than other people? Have other people described you as “irrational”?

In this multi-part blog series, I will be delving into the concept of emotion regulation. What that means is how resilient you are to your emotions- whether or not you feel like you can manage your emotions in healthy, appropriate ways.

What good are emotions?

Emotions provide you with so much information. They can let you know when there is danger, can help you communicate what you need, and can motivate you to make changes or reach a goal.

Even though emotions tell you so much, sometimes, your thoughts and emotions can get all jumbled up and provide you with the wrong information.

Yep, emotionally charged thinking isn’t always true!

Everyone can benefit from learning how to regulate their emotions.

If you can identify with the questions posed at the beginning of this post, you may need to focus more effort on learning how to improve your emotional resilience. Thus, come the concepts of emotion regulation and understanding emotional resiliency.

Emotion regulation

This is when you’re able to “keep your cool” each day, despite life throwing unexpected crap at you. It means using your “Wise Mind” (using both your “rational thinking” and “emotionally driven thinking”), instead of allowing your emotions to make all of the decisions.

Emotional resilience

Emotional resilience refers to understanding your specific emotional vulnerabilities (i.e. what typically triggers you to lose your shit), and how well you can identify and describe your emotions.

It means that you are able to tell the difference between what your senses/bodily cues are telling you versus what your thoughts are telling you. It means that you understand how your perceptions (your personal perspectives) influence your emotions.

Over the course of this blog series, I will help guide you through the basics of emotional resilience and emotion regulation.

Want individualized help putting these skills into practice?

DBT in Philadelphia, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Lancaster, and York, PA

If you’re interested in learning more about managing out-of-control emotions, reach out today. I specialize in the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, using Dialectical Behavior Therapy, therapy for anxiety, and trauma counseling. You can book your own free video consultation here or call me at 717-685-5074 to schedule a therapy consultation.