What is Borderline Personality Disorder, Anyway?

DBT Therapy Philadelphia: What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

Who the hell am I and where do I belong?

Why are my relationships filled with drama?

Why can't I control myself and do things that later make me feel ashamed?

                    Why do I act so crazy when I'm upset?

     Why am I so angry all the time?

These are questions that you may ask yourself if you suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

DSM Criteria for BPD

According to Diagnostic Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders-5 (DSM), the following criteria must be met to diagnose Borderline Personality Disorder: (please note that this is an abbreviated summary)

1. Significant problems in self-functioning

2. Problematic interpersonal functioning

3. Extreme emotional reactivity

4. Demonstrate disinhibition and

5. Exhibit intense hostility

So what does all of that actually mean?

1. You don't really know who you are or have a defined "sense of self" or personal identity. It means you have unclear aspirations, goals, and/or values.

You feel like you're a chameleon, grasping unsuccessfully to fill that sense of emptiness you feel inside.

2. Your relationships tend to be intense, chaotic, and unstable. You're "hyper-sensitive" to personal attacks and slights. Historically, you "fall in and out of love" quickly with people you only just met. You typically believe a person is perfect and wonderful, but then they do something and they are now complete and utter assh*les. You have a fear of being abandoned, and you've lost friendships, romantic partners, etc. due to being described as "needy".

"I hate you, but don't leave me."

3. Your emotions run your life. Your moods are intense and "out of control"

You ride the emotional roller coaster daily.

4. When you're feeling intense emotions, you act on your first impulse to feel better. For some people, it may mean that you engage in cutting or other self-injury. You may have had a lot of promiscuous sex, gone on alcohol binges, etc. without thinking of risks.

There's no plan; just desperation to feel better now.

5. Simply put, you get angry a lot, as in, "over the top" anger, particularly when you feel slighted or judged.

You're like an "angry tornado".


Since the original date of this published post, I’ve written a blog series specifically on The Borderline Experience.

Philadelphia Dialectical Behavior Therapy for BPD

If you can relate to the above post or want help finding relief from painful, intense emotions and relationships, I can help.

In my private, online therapy practice, I am a Philadelphia DBT therapist and provide treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. I also specialize in anxiety therapy and trauma counseling. My DBT private practice provides DBT therapy in Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Lancaster, York, and Lebanon, PA.

You don’t need to continue to suffer from painful relationships and emotions. Reach out today here or call me to book a video consultation for DBT therapy in Philadelphia.