In Philadelphia? Let’s Talk DBT Skills Training: The Who, Where, When & Why of Core Mindfulness Skills

Philadelphia DBT

You may have been told you need to have DBT therapy, but what does that really mean? As I’ve written about before, Dialectical Behavior Therapy includes 4 modes of treatment, which include individual DBT psychotherapy, DBT Skills Training, between-session coaching calls, and the DBT Consultation Team.

Many people often ask me about DBT Skills Training and I thought I’d take some time to briefly break down DBT Skills Training and help you gain a brief understanding of what exactly is included.

DBT Skills Training in Philadelphia

DBT Skills Training can be done in a group setting or on an individual basis. Skills training includes four modules that teach: core mindfulness skills, distress tolerance skills, emotion regulation skills, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Within standard DBT, skills training is conducted over the course of at least 24 weeks. Typically, the 24-week cycle is then repeated to ensure all the content from each module can be reviewed and taught thoroughly.

DBT Core Mindfulness Skills

Today, I’d like to help you get an understanding of the importance of Core Mindfulness Skills. Specifically, the who, where, when, and why of DBT Core Mindfulness Skills, which are so essential in BPD treatment and overall in Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

Core mindfulness skills are the foundation of DBT Skills Training.

In DBT, mindfulness skills are taught first because they are the keystone and foundation for all the other skills taught in other modules in DBT Skills Training. For instance, when we think about the ability to tolerate distress, we need to have an understanding of what leads to a crisis, and how to be in that emotionally painful crisis, without making the situation worse. With regards to demonstrating interpersonal effectiveness, we need to be aware of what our priorities are and then what the objectives are for any type of situation we’re in. Being able to identify the emotion we are experiencing at any given moment is essential and is the heart of emotion regulation.

Mindfulness means paying attention to the moment. It also means letting go of trying to change that moment. With regard to core mindfulness skills, there are three sets of skills involved which are the “What”, “How”, and “Wise Mind” Skills.  

Let’s take this a step further and break down the DBT Core Mindfulness Skills a bit more.

The Who, Where, When, & Why of Core Mindfulness Skills in DBT

WHO will benefit from learning and practicing mindfulness?

Literally, and I mean, literally, everyone can benefit from practicing mindfulness skills.

WHERE can you practice and incorporate mindfulness?

You can literally practice mindfulness anywhere. I mean, again, literally, ANYWHERE. When some people imagine practicing mindfulness, they often get confused. Just to clarify, practicing mindfulness doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sitting cross-legged on the floor, with your eyes closed, repeating the word, “om”.

WHEN can you benefit from a mindfulness exercise?

Image of many clocks displaying different times, used to demonstrate that you can practice DBT core mindfulness skills at anytime.

You can practice mindfulness ANYTIME as well. You can practice mindfulness when you’re alone, with others, in the car, at work, during arguments, at times of peace, during stress, literally, ANYTIME you are awake.

WHY should you engage in mindfulness practice?

There are a variety of reasons why you would want to incorporate mindfulness exercises in your life. Here are a few.

1.     Increasing Joy

Image of two smiling emojis peeking out of a box. This image is used to portray how using DBT Mindfulness Skills can help increase your happiness & decrease emotional suffering.

Practicing mindfulness will help reduce your overall emotional suffering and increase happiness. YES, it will help you reduce the amount of emotional pain and stress you experience.

I mean, who doesn’t want to be happy?

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t want that. As a DBT therapist, I believe everyone wants to improve their lives and experience happiness.

2.     Increasing Control of Your Mind

As human beings, we constantly have thoughts running through our minds. It’s just part of being human. 

And yet, did you ever notice how sometimes we just get stuck in our heads? You know, when our thoughts and emotions become so consuming that we can end up in a cycle of ruminating and worrying.

Mindfulness will help you regain control of your mind.

3.     Accepting Reality

This is a hard one and can be so salient in our lives. Think about it this way. When we practice mindfulness, we are living life with our eyes wide open. It means we are experiencing life as it really is.

How many times have you noticed that you or someone you know has been caught up in life “being unfair” or something “shouldn’t or should” be a certain way? I’ve been there. I’m going to guess you’ve been there too at some point.

When we practice mindfulness, we are living and experiencing life with intention, purpose; with our eyes wide open.

4.     Any other reasons?

I’m thinking you probably can come up with a few.

Now What?

Next week, I’ll be diving into “Wise Mind”, then later WHAT you do when you practice mindfulness, and then, HOW you practice mindfulness.

Philadelphia DBT Therapist

If you’re interested in learning more about implementing mindfulness into your life and wondering if DBT is right for you, please reach out today. As a DBT therapist in Philadelphia, I provide comprehensive outpatient DBT including individual DBT therapy, and individual DBT Skills Training.

You can live a happier life and take back control of your mind through Dialectical Behavior Therapy.

BPD treatment in Philadelphia

I offer free consultations for DBT therapy. Schedule a DBT consultation booking your own DBT consultation HERE.