Your Happy Place

What the f*ck is a “Happy Place” and why the hell is it important to have one?

Well, according to the online Cambridge Dictionary, a “Happy Place” can be defined as “a memory, situation, or activity that makes you feel happy”.

Hmmm… I’m going to take that a step further.

For me, a “Happy Place” is a state of mind.

It’s that state of mind that when you’re in it, you feel like the best version of yourself.

It’s an activity, situation, memory, or location; it’s those people in your life who support and love you for you; it’s when you’re in your element; being with your peeps; it’s when you feel inner peace within you.

A “Happy Place” is anywhere or anything that resonates and elicits happiness for you.

So, are you at a loss on where to begin your search for a Happy Place or to be reminded of ones you haven’t been to in a while? I’ve compiled a list of the various kinds/types below to get ya started.

Types of Happy Places (to get you inspired):

1.     The ones that you can visualize; that live in your mind.

These are the memories, thoughts, or things you’re able to visualize in your mind. These types of Happy Places are the ones you find when you’re reminiscing about pleasant memories or laughing out loud while looking at old photos (or watching old home movies), or recalling places you once visited. These Happy Places could also be future plans for places you’d like to travel to or even imagining a fictional location to fantasize about.

2.     Happy Places which come from activities.

You know what I mean here. These refer to finding that sweet spot of awesomeness when you’re engaged in an activity. Like, things that make you “shine” or simply find yourself completely immersed in when you’re doing them. It’s like you lose yourself in whatever it is you’re doing. This could be getting lost in that novel you’ve been reading, getting that “runner’s high” while out on your daily run, gaming online with your favorite RPG, doing a particular task while at work, going to a concert, or playing a musical instrument.

3.     Finding happiness during an experience or sensation.

These types of Happy Places are elicited during personal experiences. It means cultivating that inner peace while meditating, feeling strong while tossing heavy shit around at the gym (one of my personal favs), tapping into your creativity while you paint, experiencing delicious food, and feeling “comfortably full” afterward, that cozy sensation of snuggling under a warm blanket, smelling the aroma of freshly baked cookies, listening to your favorite jams, feeling the sense of safety of spending time with your partner.

4.     A physical location

You may be someone whose Happy Place is at an actual, physical place. For example, you find happiness while sitting on the beach with the warm sand, working out at the gym, or while you’re in the woods soaking up the nature around you. It could also be as simple as sitting on a park bench, in your favorite comic book store, or at a friend’s house while you binge-watch a new Netflix series.

5.     Who’s in your Happy Place?

Maybe you’re able to tap into your Happy Place when you’re alone, or maybe you feel your best when you’re surrounded by many people. It could be that you feel the happiest or secure when you’re snuggling with your kiddo while reading together, or when shooting hoops during an impromptu pickup game, or with your spouse cooking and preparing a meal together. Who you surround yourself with can make or break a Happy Place.

It’s completely ok if you feel at your best when you’re alone with your own thoughts or if sharing space with one another person is best.

You Need To Have At Least One Happy Place

Whatever, whenever, or wherever you find your Happy Place, it’s something you need to have if you haven’t discovered it yet. It’s particularly important to be familiar with your Happy Places so you can visit them regularly, especially when you’re having a rough time. Ideally, it’s important to go to a Happy Place every. single. day.

Happy Places Are Part of Self-Care

Doing things, going places, and being around people who you enjoy, are what I believe, acts of self-care and

>>>totally needed to maintain healthy wellbeing.<<<

Further, when you are able to tap into those spaces which make you happy, you are proactively taking care of yourself and your overall wellness.

***It should be noted that especially now (AND when we finally get out of this shit show of a pandemic), finding and connecting with one of your Happy Places, is simply a must and cannot be emphasized enough.

It’s Time to Schedule a Visit to Your Happy Place.

When the world around you is a mess and you’re feeling like nothing’s going right, go to your Happy Place. I mean it. Schedule it if you have to. Prioritize it. You’re not going to feel better or be your best self without connecting with your Happy Place and practicing self-care. Sometime today, go to your Happy Place- that place that makes you feel like the best version of yourself, and embrace that shit.

Want Extra Support & Help?

Philadelphia DBT Therapy

If your go-to Happy Places aren’t available or you feel stuck in a mess of anxiety, big emotions, or chaos, and you just need some help learning new ways to cope, I can help.

When you work with me, I can help you find some relief from your emotional suffering, overwhelming anxiety, and find some hope. We’ll work together to help you discover new ways of creating a life worth living. Reach out here to schedule you free consultation for DBT in Philadelphia.