Boost your Mood with One Simple Step

Boost Your Mood and feel better

When Life Happens-

I’m on my way out the door, rushing because I'm leaving my house late. I didn’t have my coffee... Crap, I needed my coffee... 

Despite my better judgment, I went through the drive-thru at a local fast-food restaurant. As I said before, I was feeling rushed and slightly annoyed with myself for being late, so I was a little irritated when I had to repeat my order three times.

That's when I became more acutely aware of my mood and decided to do something about it. It certainly wasn't anyone else's fault that I left my house late, so why would I take it out on someone else; particularly the young man taking my order?

Using Mindfulness

So, I took a deep breath and allowed my lips to land into a soft smile. 

The simple act of taking a breath and smiling allowed me to focus on the present moment and stop beating myself up for running late. When I reached the payment window, I was already feeling better and even joked with the cashier. When I drove to the next window for my coffee, I noticed that the woman preparing my coffee appeared frazzled and again,

I remembered to breathe and smile warmly.

That’s when the magic happened.

I asked her about her day. She commented that “it was one of those days” and we briefly exchanged some small talk- and then she appeared to relax slightly. When she handed me my coffee, she said, “I added an extra shot in there for you” and smiled.

Wow, talk about a change in events!

I was able to change my perspective and outlook on things by simply remembering to breathe and smiling softly. Just as a side note, I didn’t force a smile, nor did I make one of those crazed, over-the-top smiles either. I’m not suggesting that doing this will get you free stuff or be a “one size fits all” solution for long-term issues. 

I am suggesting that being aware or mindful of your mood, and choosing a different way to look at things, can greatly impact your current situation.

If you struggle with your emotions running your life, you don't have to live this way!

Anxiety Counseling, Trauma Therapy & DBT for Borderline Personality Disorder

I provide online, virtual, Telehealth therapy and counseling in York, Lancaster, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Please give me a call at 717-685-5074 for a free, 15-minute, phone consultation or schedule your own.