Sara Weand, LPC

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‘Not a Monster’: Destigmatizing Borderline Personality Disorder - Counseling Today Feature Article

Counseling Today Feature Article: Destigmatizing BPD

As a DBT therapist specializing in Borderline Personality Disorder, I am well aware of the stigma associated with this misunderstood disorder. My clients often believe and fear that they are crazy. Unfortunately, the mental health field often perpetuates this belief, further complicating the treatment of this debilitating disorder.

I was approached by Counseling Today to do an interview for a feature article about the stigma of Borderline Personality Disorder. Counseling Today is a publication of the American Counseling Association and is one of the leading publications in the world of professional counseling.

As a Licensed Professional Counselor and therapist specializing in BPD treatment, I can’t express how much it means to me professionally to be asked to share my expertise with the world. BPD is very treatable, despite the stigma surrounding it. Finding the right BPD therapist is key.


Philadelphia BPD Therapist & Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

If you’re suffering with Borderline Personality Disorder, there is hope. You are NOT a monster. BPD is debilitating AND it is treatable. You are not alone. There are BPD therapists who are able to effectively help you create a life worth living. Reach out today for a consultation for DBT therapy HERE.